Iowa Community Colleges

Who is training your workforce?

Iowa’s Community Colleges are located close to every Iowan and are honored to be the training partner for every growing industry in Iowa, including healthcare, manufacturing, information technology, transportation, and others. More than 60% of jobs in Iowa require more than a high school diploma but less than a 4-year degree, and Iowa’s Community Colleges are prepared to educate the workforce to fill these high-demand occupations at a low cost and in a short time.  We are proud to work alongside the ABI members in training the workforce of tomorrow.  

The Iowa Community Colleges are proud of the lasting impact we have on the students and communities we serve.  Students who choose to begin their education at an Iowa Community College will earn $6.50 in higher future earnings for every $1 that they invest in their education.  Now, with the Future Ready Iowa Last-Dollar Scholarships, many of the students who make the investment in a Community College degree have their tuition covered.  Additionally, nearly 83% of Iowa Community College graduates remain in the State following graduation to work and raise their families.  We are proud that many of these alumni are working for ABI companies in each of the 15 Iowa Community College Districts.  

Thank you for your continued partnership in increasing the number of Iowa work-based learning and registered apprenticeships, in providing advisors and mentors to our career and technical education programs and in employing the highly-skilled workers who are graduating from the Community College serving your region. To learn more about opportunities that may be available, contact your Community College.